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1 1/2 inch scale Wallis & Steevens DCC Showmans Road Locomotive - stock code 7526

A 1 1/2 inch scale Wallis & Steevens Showmans Road Locomotive, built we believe using castings and drawings available in the 1950s from Summerscales of Cosham.

A similar engine, built by Mr J E King - a mere lad at 78 years old in 1951 - won a silver medal at the Model Engineering Exhibition of that year. His engine was described as the outstanding exhibit of its class by W.J.Hughes of "Royal Chester" fame, the design remarked upon as particularly faithful to the prototype.

An older engine - we assume it too probably dates to the 1950s - this engine is well engineered, though repainted crudely in recent times which detracts considerably from the nicely built model beneath. It really wants stripping, painting and lining by somebody who knows what they're doing.

An extremely rare model - we thought it to be freelance when it came in. Have never seen one before and indeed it would have sold and we'd have been none the wiser if it were not for the encylopedic knowledge - not to mention near instant recall of 100 years worth of "Model Engineer" articles - of Mr David Powell, for whose helpful information I'm indebted.

For those interested, volume 105, p378 is the relevant place to look.

scale 2 inch
length/inches 30
width/inches 13
height/inches 19
cylinder material cast iron
valve type slide
valve gear Stephensons
reverser type pole
lubricator type 2 x displacement
boiler type locomotive
boiler material copper
safety valve(s) 2
safety valve type Ramsbottom
road speed(s) 3