Sold May 2023 Back to Archive

25m 5 inch gauge track with 9 turnouts - stock code 11208

A quantity of 5 inch gauge track, with aluminium rail laid on a mixture of wooden and PNP plastic sleepers.


  • 10 x 2.5m straight lengths (PNP throughout)
  • Pair LH/RH 10 foot long turnouts, wooden sleepers in fair to poor condition, some refurbishment work required
  • 1 x 5 foot long right hand turnout (PNP rail and chairs, wooden sleepers)
  • 6 x 5 foot long left hand turnouts (PNP rail and chairs, wooden sleepers)
  • RoR rail bender, used once
  • Around 50 sleepers, bag of spare chairs
The long LH turnout doesn't have a point lever, all other turnouts do (albeit seized to varying degrees).
gauge 5 inch gauge
length/inches 119
width/inches 22
height/inches 2
weight/kg 97