Sold December 2003 Back to Archive

5 inch gauge Johnson Spinner - stock code 1786

5 inch gauge model of a Johnson Spinner, the Midland Railway single wheeler to Martin Evans' "Princess of Wales" design.

A finely made model completed in 1984, it was steamed on a few occasions before being sent to Cherry's of Richmond where it was painted, lined out and sign-written. It is possible that it hasn't been steamed since then - the paint of the tender has certainly never seen coal.

Silver-soldered copper boiler with superheaters, fed by injector with auxiliary hand pump in tender. Safety valve under brass bonnet in front of cab with dummy Salter valves fitted to dome. Inside cylinders with Stephenson's valve gear, screw reverser in cab. The engine is well-detailed with dummy sanding gear, vacuum brake hoses and lamps. The cab interior is planked and painted in authentic style (the original in the National Railway Museum has the same "scumbled" paint finish simulating wood over steel).

It has been little-used, having spent most of it's life in a display case. It will need some work before further use - if required we can quote to supply it in full working order, ready to run. The boiler has been hydraulic tested and carries our standard 90 day warranty. Complete with set of firing irons, documentation and pictures of the build.


Locomotive 34 inches
Tender 29 inches

gauge 5 inch