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I sold this one back in 2009 to my friend David (he also had the Britannia "Lord Hurcomb", B1 "Mayflower", Class 37 battery electric and the new Fowler A9 "Rambler" from me over the years - a man with an eye for good engines). Pictures are from 2009, taken on a hot afternoon when David, Steve and I took the engine down to the club to run it round for the afternoon (as I remember we took a King as well that wouldn't go round the tighter curves). Condition now is pretty much the same as you see it here, we've had it running in the workshop this afternoon, still goes just as well.
A beautifully made example of Don Young's L&Y 2-4-2T, the work of a prolific engineer who has many engines to his credit, several, like this one, award winners. It was running for most of the day on Monday (where it was difficult to get Steve off it so that I could have the briefest of drives). The engine runs particularly well, free steaming and with valves set spot-on - setting off with 40 pounds on the clock and notching it up as the engine got underway saw the safety valves feathering at the end of the first circuit.
Detail work is excellent - I was particularly taken with the paintwork (hand lined, the L&Y crest hand painted), the re-railing jack on the running board, finely fitted cab with planked floor, semi-scale backhead controls and pressure gauge with face sign written "L&YR"
Silver-soldered copper boiler with superheaters, working pressure 80psi, feed by injector and crosshead pump with auxiliary handpump in the offside tank. Gunmetal cylinders with slide valves actuated by Joy valve gear with pole reverser in cab, hydrostatic lubricator with sight feed in cab.
Complete with set of drawings and a fitted wooden transport crate.
There's a clip of it running here - 24 degrees in sunny Lincolnshire on Monday, I nearly got sunstroke!
Length 40 inches
gauge | 5 inch |