A part-built example of a Stroudley Terrier to Martin Evans' well-regarded "Boxhill" design. Complete with a building stand allowing the engine to be lifted and rotated, work to date includes:
Frames and buffer beams erected with horns, keeps and axleboxes
Axles fitted, central crank axle fitted with eccentric sheaves
Silver-soldered copper boiler
Wheels machined, require quartering
Eccentric straps
Part-finished coupling rods
Part-finished brake gear
There is a quantity of parts and castings including:
Smokebox front & rear rings, door
Cylinder blocks, end covers, slide valves and valve chests
I recently sold a rather good Terrier, pictures are in the archive at http://www.stationroadsteam.com/stock%20pages/2565/index.htm.
Length 27 inches
gauge | 5 inch |