have to look beyond first impressions with this one, I’ve never before seen a
Polly subjected to quite as many ill-conceived “improvements”, whilst basic
cleaning and maintenance have been largely forgotten about.
This is a
Polly II, ever-popular workhorse, a proven club hauler – they go well. This
one has had large lumps of lead added wherever there was a space, so in addition
to a block below the buffer beam, there are great bricks of it perched on the
running boards as well - they do nothing for the looks of the engine, the weight
did nothing for my back getting it onto our weighbeams this afternoon, where the
locomotive on its own came in at 106 pounds (which is what Polly normally quote
for engine and tender combined).
original axle pump has been replaced by what looks like a bicycle pump, attached
to a crude bracket beside the cab, the other end fixed to the crosshead. Looks
like a deranged trombonist when working.
Rest of
it is pretty grubby, although beneath the dirt most of the blue paintwork is
reasonable. The running boards, footplate and cab interior need repainting,
there are a pair of clacks missing from the backhead.
Boiler is
ok on hydraulic test, chassis is fairly stiff to turn over simply through
standing around for a long time – it would free up instantly given some oil
and steam.
I think
this would be a straightforward project, we had a similarly neglected specimen
come in a year or two back which Geoff did a super job on – you can see
the finished article in the archive here. This one could be similarly
overhauled for little expenditure other than time and some paint.
gauge | 5 inch |