Sold August 2011 Back to Archive

5 inch gauge WD Austerity 2-10-0 - stock code 5099

An older engine, built in the 1970s to the Clarkson "Austerity" design. Something of a rarity these days, it makes a large, powerful engine.

Silver soldered copper boiler, 90psi working pressure, twin safety valves. Feed by injector, twin axle pumps and hand pump in the tender. Cast iron cylinders with slide valves actuated by Walschaert's gear with screw reverser. Mechanical lubricator.

Boiler was last tested two years ago out of the frames, described on the club certificate issued at that time as in good condition.

Complete with firing irons and a set of extension controls, allowing it to be driven from behind the tender

Hydraulic test 2-8-2009 @135psi
Steam test 17-8-2010

Locomotive 44 inches
Tender 29 inches

gauge 5 inch