Sold July 2009 Back to Archive

7 1/4 inch gauge "Hercules" with driving truck - stock code 3836

Dick Simmonds' "Hercules" design makes for a large, robust standard gauge tank engine - it's substantially bigger all round than something like a "Bridget" and, with a compact four-coupled wheelbase, pretty much the ideal engine for back garden running.

This is an older engine that still runs very well - I've driven it several times at my club where it has spent the last few years whipping round in the hands of its previous owner, Alan the Demon Driver who features in many of the video clips I post (we do it that way round because I like to think I'm a better photographer, but in truth it's because he's a better driver).

Silver-soldered copper boiler, working pressure 75psi, feed by twin injectors - there's also a steam pump on the running board which may have worked in the past but didn't want to play ball when I steamed it last week. Cast iron cylinder with slide valves actuated by Waslchaert's gear with pole reverser in cab.

The engine comes with a decent bogie driving truck complete with colossal hand pump that looks like it could fill the boiler from empty in about half a dozen strokes.

Length 42 inches
Height 20 inches
Weight 298 pounds

gauge 7 1/4 inch