Sold July 2004 Back to Archive

7 1/4 inch gauge LNWR Problem class - stock code 2327

Despite initial appearances, under the (surface) rust and (considerable) grime there is a lot of nice quality engineering here, well worth pushing on with to produce a most unusual engine in 7 1/4 inch gauge, one of the 7' 6" single wheelers designed for the London, North Western Railway by Ramsbottom and introduced in 1859. The class bore the somewhat unlikely name of "Problem" - not a reflection on their performance, but a reference to mathematical theory, a sister class was named "Theorem".

Work to date comprises:

Rolling chassis
Cylinders complete with valve chests
Eccentric straps, rods and sheaves, expansion links for Stephensons valve gear with screw reverser and counter-balanced weighshaft
Brake gear
Mechanical lubricator fitted
Complete 1800 gallon LNWR tender

Professionally-made patterns for the wheels and cylinders are included, along with two general arrangement works drawings for locomotive and tender. A large quantity of parts and castings came from this collection, including what appears to be a chimney for this engine plus other sundry bits.

Locomotive 36 inches
Tender 31 inches

Driving wheel 12 inch diameter

gauge 7 1/4 inch