Sold May 2023 Back to Archive

7 1/4 inch gauge ''Tich'' 0-4-0T - stock code 11248

A 7 1/4 inch gauge freelance 0-4-0T contractor's locomotive, doubled up from LBSC's iconic "Tich" design of 1949, serialised in "Model Engineer" magazine at that time.

Built to a fairly pedestrian standard in the first place, the chassis runs on air in both directions after a fashion, although with wear evident in motionwork and valve gear. The valve chest gaskets leak and need replacement.

The commerically built CE-marked boiler by Devon Steam Boilers is in good condition - it's had a hydraulic test with new certification issued.

A new pressure gauge has been fitted; the injectors are fussy in operation and require either cleaning, re-piping or replacement.

The regulator is a ball valve with rod linkage from the cab - it requires a replacement gland to rectify a stripped thread.

gauge 7 1/4 inch
length/inches 31
width/inches 14
height/inches 18
weight/kg 61
wheel material cast iron
axlebox type plain bearing
cylinder material gunmetal
valve type slide
valve gear Walschaerts
lubricator type mechanical
injector(s) 2
boiler number DSB104
year built 2008
boiler maker Devon Steam Boilers
CE mark yes
working pressure/psi 100
boiler type locomotive
boiler material copper
boiler construction silver soldered
superheater(s) 0
fusible plug no
safety valve(s) 2
safety valve type pop
hand pump yes