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A good part-built 7 1/4 inch gauge Black 5 chassis and tender to Martin Evans' "Highlander" design, the work of a prolific builder - I had his 5 inch gauge
Britannia and
Royal Scot some years ago.
Work completed to date includes:
Rolling chassis with quartered driving wheels, front bogie
Coupling rods bushed and fitted
Piston valve cylinders machined, complete with pistons, rods and valve bobbins
Majority of motionwork, crossheads, expansion links, rods, guide bars, drop-links etc.
Eccentric rods complete, fitted with ball races
Connecting rods complete bushes
Twin axle pumps fitted
Smokebox assembly, complete with door, dart & locking handles, chimney, saddle and petticoat pipe
Pair locomotive running boards, very nicely made and rivetted
Tender rolling chassis plus comprehensive laser-cut kit to complete platework
Parts included:
Inner and outer dome castings
Brake shoe castings
Completed motion brackets
Castings for tender axlebox covers
Pair of water gauges
Pair of safety valves
Set of drawings
The silver soldered copper boiler is from a part-built Black 5 I sold a couple of months ago,
the buyer of that engine already had a commercially built boiler for a similar
project he had been working one. Work is on the whole pretty decent, flanging is neatly done and solder penetration is good with no evidence of
overheating, there has been a sparing use of Comsol in places for calking.
Castings and drawings for this engine are still available from Reeves, the construction was written up comprehensively in "Model Engineer".
Length (locomotive & tender) approx 96 inches
Weight approx 500 pounds
gauge | 7 1/4 inch |