A well-advanced built of a a "Metre Maid", the 0-6-0 version of "Sweet Pea". Build quality is excellent throughout.
Main frames c/w horns fitted and machined, cylinder blocks fitted and machined
Cylinder end covers, pistons, valve chests, covers and valves machined
Driving wheels and axles machined, dowelled for quartering, cast iron axleboxes fitted
Springs and hornstays
Buffer beams and stretchers
Complete saddle tank in brass
Professionally made silver soldered copper boiler
Smokebox door and ring machined, smokebox tube complete
Complete stainless grate/ashpan assembly
Reversing lever and stand 90% complete
Brake stand, lever and operating arm assembly
Axle pump machined and assembled, complete with eccentric sheave, strap and rod
Regulator machined and assembled
Coupling rods machined and assembled
Connecting rods part machined
Crossheads machined
Return cranks machined
Box of parts including cast iron piston rings, safety valves, bypass valve, fountain
Tender 80% complete, including rolling chassis and tank
There is a complete set of drawings and a copy of the construction manual
gauge | 5 inch |