Early stage Tinkerbell, professionally-built to a commercial standard originally destined for the Oldown Miniature Railway following the success of their first Tinkerbell "James". They moved onto larger things (and now 10 1/4 inch gauge at the Cattle Country Railway), after which the second Tinkerbell became redundant.
Thus far, it comprises:
Main frames erected with horns, stretchers and buffer beams
Set of four buffers
Set of wheels CNC-machined from EN8 (after experience with "James"
where, on commercial duties, the cast iron wheels grooved in under a season)
Set of cast iron axleboxes, machined for bearings (supplied)
Unmachined castings for:
Smokebox door
Cylinders (complete with end covers & slide valves)
Material for axles and footplate (formed to shape)
New locomotive-type boiler by Bell Boilers, complete with all documentation and original twice pressure hydraulic test certificate.
0-200psi 4 inch diameter pressure gauge
Complete set of Roger Marsh drawings
Length 64 inches
gauge | 7 1/4 inch |