Aluminium casting with glass lens, it's extremely grubby and has, at some time in the past, been converted to battery operation in a cack-handed way. Internally there's a plastic battery carrier that takes a pair of AAA batteries, powering a single high intensity LED. The body casting has been drilled to take a switch that would have been much better mounted underneath - the switch itself has an intermittent fault so needs replacing anyway, we'd re-site it at the same time.
Fitted with what appears to be a stainless steel handle, which whilst not decorative is at least functional.
A strip down, repaint and refurbish job. Worth it, the quality of the original lamp deserves something better than that which has been visited upon it by a well-meaning, if hapless DIY-er.
Free UK shipping included.
length/inches | 5 |
width/inches | 4 |
height/inches | 8 |
weight/kg | 2 |