This brings us up to four CNC machines in the workshop, the CT52 and VMC are installed adjacent and at right angles to each other, allowing one man to operate them both. The new lathe came with a swarf conveyor, which looked completely over the top for what we do - how wrong I was! The last few days Barry has been turning a batch of 110 wheels in EN8 - we've produced bags of swarf, all of which are stacked up outside for when the scrap metal truck comes round.
Other things to spot in the pictures are connecting rods just off the VMC, Stafford wheels (the sharp-eyed might notice wheels for the latest variant, ready for assembly), "Big Stafford" cylinders, pistons and lubricator tank castings, 30 ton press, spray booth which all arrived during year, along with a Colchester Triumph 200 lathe - I used to own two but sold them when we went CNC - just to machine weld preps onto boiler plates.
In the erecting shop are three new Feldbahns - two for delivery next week, one just back from Echtdampf-Hallentreffen and Alexandra Palace shows.